Colorado – blueprint for international land grab

Blueprint for the nation on 30×30 Land Grab Prior to the announcement of “Resident” (because, let’s face it, he isn’t acting like a president) Biden’s “America the Beautiful” plan (which is code wording for the MAJOR 30 x 30 federal government land grab!), Colorado was laying the groundwork for the rest of the country. The […]

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Patriot’s Corner (#4) – Natural Law

The “Natural Law” is the basic foundation of the United States of America and is the core of the rights of the people. So what does it mean, actually? In a nutshell, it means that our rights come from our humanity, not government! We discussed this more in previous publications of the “Patriot’s Corner” so […]

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Patriot’s Corner #3 – Patriotism MUST be about the People

In our last column, we asked you to take our challenging question of “Who refused to attend the Constitutional Convention because he said, “I smell a rat” and why?? What do you think?” The answer to the question is Patrick Henry. He smelled a rat because he knew that Madison was, illegally, trying to call […]

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Patriot’s Corner #2 – Sovereignty

In the last newsletter, we discussed the true meaning of the word “Patriot” and how our natural rights come from God, not government. If people believe that government grants their rights then they must understand that government, can then, take them away. If you don’t fully understand natural law and where your rights come from […]

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Patriot’s Corner #1 – Clarifying the Meaning

What, exactly, is a “Patriot?” Ron Paul says, that “to be an American Patriot means to love liberty.” He goes on to say, “Patriotism never demands obedience to the state but rather obedience to the principles of liberty” and “a patriot’s responsibility is to condemn the evil actions of government rather than endorsing them by […]

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Tyrants Gone Wild in the world of COVID-19!! – Why people need to take back their power and know their inalienable rights

By Judy Spady, Founder of “Free Counties” We are Americans and we have sure been through some extremely difficult times throughout our history that have been a challenge to the people. We survived the uncivil war where brothers fought against brothers. We have dealt with many eras of diseases and famines, one being the “Spanish […]

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All Colorado Counties UNITE to recall the Governor

Thomas Jefferson said, “When government fears the people, there is liberty. When the people fear the government, there is tyranny.” The government of Colorado better begin to fear the people because it is clear that many are very unhappy with the tyranny going on at the state capitol during the 72nd General Assembly of the […]

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Never Let a Good Crisis Go To Waste!

The La Plata County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) voted on June 12, 2018 to repeal sections 38-1 & 38-2 of the existing county code and replace it with a “new provision” (also now called 38-1) to deal with the homeless in our county during a recent wildfire; however, this “new provision” added 2 new […]

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Resolution to Protect La Plata County Citizen’s Property Rights

“Free Counties” presented the LaPlata County Board of County Commissioners with a “Resolution to Protect LaPlata County Citizen’s Property Rights” on behalf of the citizens; however, we want every individual to be able to make this request so that the voices of the people of LPC are truly being heard. Please read this resolution: (*Note […]

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Exclusive Screening of Eminent Domain

EXCLUSIVE SCREENING-POWERFUL FILM ON PROPERTY RIGHTS COMING TO LA PLATA COUNTY: “Little Pink House” is a fantastic new film based on a true story about a small town woman in Connecticut who refurbishes her dream home only to have local government bulldoze it over while claiming “eminent domain” for the public good. Visit to […]

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Who’s Bringing in Outside $$$?

This was a previous FB meme that we shared from our previous “I-team files” account that reached 4,655 people: California Billionaire, Tom Steyer, likes to spend his elite money in Colorado politics and has recently decided to get involved in our local affairs of La Plata County to push his agenda. In order to connect […]

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