The La Plata County Board of County Commissioners (BOCC) voted on June 12, 2018 to repeal sections 38-1 & 38-2 of the existing county code and replace it with a “new provision” (also now called 38-1) to deal with the homeless in our county during a recent wildfire; however, this “new provision” added 2 new sections that infringe upon the citizens’ unalienable rights which are protected by the United States Constitution, Bill of Rights, particularly the 1st and 2nd Amendments. This “new provision” was requested for a vote from the County Attorney, Sheryl Rogers on May 22, 2018 and was passed, unanimously, by all 3 County Commissioners on June 12, 2018.

Never let a good crisis go to waste, right?

To see the language of this new law which is in violation of the U.S. Constitution and to research the discussions about the ordinance, please visit our page on Rights being infringed?

One thought to “Never Let a Good Crisis Go To Waste!”

  • Julia

    I support the cause!!


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