Blueprint for the nation on 30×30 Land Grab

Prior to the announcement of “Resident” (because, let’s face it, he isn’t acting like a president) Biden’s “America the Beautiful” plan (which is code wording for the MAJOR 30 x 30 federal government land grab!), Colorado was laying the groundwork for the rest of the country. The Biden-Harris Administration launched the 30×30 initiative in May, 2021…yet the “Pathways to 30×30” presentation in Colorado was introduced in October, 2020. The tyrannical governor of the state created the “Office of Just Transition” (OJT) as a full-fledged blueprint on removing coal plants. This, so-called, “just” change from coal to alternative energy sources is simply another in the Marxist playbook under the guise of “sustainable development” which is an international scam that was once referred to as things like “global warming” and other nefarious names. In Colorado, this OJT is, of course, in bed with the extremely radical environmental groups such as the Sierra Club, Conservation Colorado, Western Resource Advocates, San Juan Citizens Alliance, and Bluegreen Alliance.

These state offices of “just transition” (in several states now) are all part of a larger movement from the “Climate Justice Alliance” which is tied to the “Green New Deal” (GND) as stated on Wikipedia. Anyone paying attention can quickly connect the GND to the United Nation’s Agenda 21, Agenda 2030, The Great Reset…there are many names for the same agenda to steal the land and control the people. They try to make it seem complicated when it is fairly basic…but evil.

Of course it’s no surprise to find out that this Colorado blueprint is part of the Paris Agreement (2015) which is the UN’s plans to remove property rights from the people. Think that sounds farfetched or crazy? Well, let’s take a look at their own words.

“While the concept of just transition is widely used to advocate for social justice and equity in climate action, there is no universally accepted definition, and the perception varies between countries and regions.”

On the question of what is just transition? Here is their answer:

“Investors are increasingly committed to the low-carbon transition in terms of shareholder engagement, capital reallocation and policy dialogue. Much of the focus has been on getting investors to think about the environmental dimension, however, there is a need to fully incorporate a robust social dimension in terms of the positive and negative implications of the climate transition for workers and communities. This is the agenda of the “just transition”, which is included within the 2015 Paris Agreement on Climate Change.”

The bottom line is that climate action + social inclusion = the just transition

Part of Wildlands Project

No shock to find out how 30×30 is also connected to the “Wildlands Project” which is another way that they take the land.

This project has the goal of gobbling up millions of acres of land (mostly in the west) and re-wilding it with predator animals so that people can’t exist there. This is done through establishing “corridors,” “buffer zones,” and “cooperation zones.” It is a massive program for restructuring society and controlling the people. It was conceived by the founder of “Earth First” (Dave Foreman) but was later developed by Reed Noss under grants from the Nature Conservancy and the National Audubon Society.

This is the plan to “transition” at least half the land (actually if you read the Biden bill, it says up to 70% of the land!)

Reed Noss said:

“One half of the land area of the 48 con­ter­mi­nous [Unit­ed] States will be encom­passed in core [wilder­ness] reserves and inner cor­ri­dor zones (essen­tial­ly exten­sions of core reserves) with­in the next few decades.… Half of a region in wilder­ness is a rea­son­able guess of what it will take to restore viable pop­u­la­tions of large car­ni­vores and nat­ur­al dis­tur­bance regimes, assum­ing that most of the oth­er 50 per­cent is man­aged intel­li­gent­ly as buffer zone… Even­tu­al­ly, a wilder­ness net­work would dom­i­nate a region and thus would itself con­sti­tute the matrix, with human habi­ta­tions being the islands.”

The people will be the “islands” in this massive re-wilding land grab because they can be controlled by the elite much better that way.

Going back to the Colorado “Pathways” plan, you will notice how Scott Braden of the Colorado Wildlands Project is listed as people advising for that 30×30 report.

As Rosa Koire said (may she rest in peace):

“The Wildlands Project as conceived is actually a takeover of private lands and a justification for pushing people out of rural areas across the world.”

As Kathleen Marquardt pointed out in this article mentioned above, “The Global Biodiversity Assessment is the policies, plans, regulations, and objectives of Agenda 21 (now 2030/2050/Green New Deal, etc.). And the Wildlands Project is the heart and soul of the whole operation.”

Eradicating Property Rights

These land grab strategies have the same goal of taking as much of the property rights from the people as possible. There is a reason that Karl Marx main goal was to abolish private property.

In their very own words, they even admit that is the goal. The Colorado Pathways presentation states:

Private lands are the most prevalent form of land ownership in Colorado, accounting for nearly 60 percent of the state’s land area. This includes everything from single family homes in the suburbs to population-dense urban cores and larger agricultural holdings. The main tool for long-term protection of nature on private lands is called a conservation easement.” Through a conservation easement, landowners voluntarily agree to forgo certain property rights in order to protect a set of defined conservation values unique to their land. Landowners must work with a land trust or government agency which purchases and holds the conservation easement and is responsible for the enforcement of its terms and conditions. This permanent deed restriction, which covers the land in perpetuity, has been critical to protecting both ranches and other agricultural lands from development pressures and has successfully protected 2.3 million acres in Colorado.

As Tom DeWeese of the American Policy Center explains, “Conservation Easements can sound like a godsend but they steal your property without having to pay for it.”

The bottom line is that when people lose the ability to control the usage of their property then they have handed their property rights over to the government. We train people on how to fight for property rights against this evil and the best definition of property rights comes from a Washington State Supreme Court Justice, Richard B. Sanders (Fifth Amendment Treatise, 1997) where he clearly states:

“Property in a thing consists not merely in its ownership and possession, but in the unrestricted right of use, enjoyment, and disposal. Anything which destroys any of the elements of property to that extent, destroys the property itself. The substantial value of property lies in its use. If the right of use be denied, the value of the property is annihilated and ownership is rendered a barren right.”

The MAIN KEYWORD in that definition is “unrestricted.”

Economic Disaster for Rural Towns

Unfortunately, this move to “transition” the west away from coal to this massive green land grab is devastating small towns and communities. In the west end of the Dolores River valley (Montrose County) of the western slope of Colorado, this “just transition” from coal resulted in more than a 65% hit to the economy which has been one of the best natural resources that our country has had for thousands of years! As Aimee Tooker (local activist) rightly asks in this video, “is that a just and inclusive transition?”

The 3 E’s

Let’s go back to the “Pathways to 30×30” blueprint in Colorado. Take note of their “Vision Statement” which says:

Colorado will be a leading state in the national movement to protect 30 percent of lands by 2030, building an inclusive coalition to get there. By 2030, Colorado will have secured protections for at least an additional 14 million acres of lands by enacting lasting reforms and policy changes that protect nature, address the climate crisis, and ensure equitable and inclusive access to nature for communities of color. Achieving the 30×30 goal will conserve nature and wildlife, connect people, mitigate the impacts of climate change, protect our economy, increase our food and water security, and secure the quality of life for Coloradans for generations to come.

That covers all of the main 3 entities of the UN Agenda 21 for sustainable development plan: Economic, Equality (social), and Environmental. Some great articles on those topics are here and here.

Also, notice how the table on that same page shows that they plan to take over 66 million acres of Colorado in this international land grab!!

NGOs – The Tail Wagging the Dog

There are thousands and thousands of these non-elected boards and Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) across the country and in every local area. They are unelected boards who are mostly pushing this fake international agenda that is supposedly going to save the planet. It won’t. It’s nothing but a boondoggle to move your hard-earned taxed dollars away from your pocketbook to the government and international organizations such as the UN. I know…I know…now you are going to say something silly like how there are no blue helmets down at town hall. We’ve heard it over and over again. It’s ridiculous because it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to look at the local “land use code” or “comprehensive plans” to be able to follow the money and quickly see the agenda we are exposing.

DOLA – The Trojan Horse of Colorado

The Department of Local Affairs (DOLA) is Colorado’s state office that doles out the money from the federal level that is printed out of thin air from the illegal and unaccountable Federal Reserve which is no more “federal” than FedEx.

While the people are sleeping, this nationwide farce continues with the federal and state governments dishing out this phony monopoly money that ALWAYS has strings attached!! Just Say “NO!” to Grant Money from fed/state govt!!!!

Targets of Rural Colorado

These evil plans have their eye on the rural areas of Colorado and the west as they “transition” it all with national monuments, endangered species, and destruction of the, once, “American Dream” of owning a single-family home.

Think that sounds a bit nuts?

Fact is that in several places around the nation, they are calling it “racist” to own a single-family home. They have already stolen millions of acres of land with their, so-called, protection of some endangered species. They have endangered wildlife, domestic pets, and people with the releasing of the wolves in Colorado (which are not “native” at all and you can see how we exposed that years ago here).

The latest massive land grab in Colorado is the plans of these enviros to try and get a presidential proclamation from Biden before he leaves office to create a national monument for the Dolores River Valley. This land grab could be over 400,000 acres of land that is already protected. What is their goal of doing this for something already protected? You got it now! Read all of the information in this article and there are many other so go here, here and here for more information.

Pissed off and ready to STAND UP NOW?! Great…


So…what is the solution to fight against this behemoth agenda? It’s up to the people. Get involved in your local community and create a “Freedom Pod” to uphold your DUTY under the Constitution and to almighty God. We will help you to do so for free. Our effective tools such as the “coordination process” have HUGE success stories such as stopping the NAFTA Highway. We also show people how to simply hold their local elected officials’ feet to the fire. It’s not as hard as you think and it only starts with one person.

What’s our “agenda” you ask? To restore the Republic and protect the God-given property rights of the people because, as rancher Wayne Hage once said:

“If you don’t have the right to own and control property than you are property.”


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