This was a previous FB meme that we shared from our previous “I-team files” account that reached 4,655 people:
California Billionaire, Tom Steyer, likes to spend his elite money in Colorado politics and has recently decided to get involved in our local affairs of La Plata County to push his agenda. In order to connect the dots between Steyer $$ and the group “United Against the Recall” which was filed with the Colorado Secretary of State’s office for the purpose of “Opposing the recall of Gwen Lachelt,” you only have to take these few clicks/steps:
1. Go to the “Colorado Secretary of State TRACER” system – http://
2. On the far left side, click on the + sign next to the “search” section and select, “expenditure search.”
3. Type “United Against the Recall” into the Expending Committee Name and click the red “SEARCH” button.
4. This will take you to the page to see how “United Against the Recall” is spending their money by paying “Conservation Colorado” for employee services.
Tom Steyer’s national group, the League of Conservation Voters (LCV) launched and paid for this campaign to try and retain Commissioner Lachelt through their Colorado arm called “Conservation Colorado” who has an address on 3rd Avenue in Durango.
Now, for the false claims from Lachelt about how the Recall Effort (www.savelaplatacounty.com) is being funded by the Koch Brothers, just do a “Committee Search” for the name “LA PLATA COUNTY RECALL” to see any contributions or expenditures because everything they receive or spend must be reported to the Secretary of State’s office.
So…when it comes to Big $$$ coming into La Plata County politics, there is only one side who is receiving it.