This website was born in La Plata County, Colorado where tyranny took over in a hurry when County Commissioners introduced a draconian new land use code (2017). The people were very upset and started getting involved by trying a recall of one of the Commissioners (it only failed by 30-some votes which is good news for the people). Many in the county began attending meetings and trying to find out what was happening. Some formed small groups to fight back and hired attorneys…and, unfortunately, some did nothing. Don’t be that person.
This “Free Counties” organization sparked from it and we are the only group in the county who put a property rights proposal in front of the commissioners demanding that they do their one & ONLY job which is to protect the rights of their people!
Over 1,000 people showed up at the county fairgrounds very upset about the new draconian land use code which is, basically, a countywide HOA which tells property owners what they can/cannot do on their own private property.
La Plata County land-use codes draw more than 1,000 residents
La Plata County Commissioners and staff spent over $250,000 of taxpayer money to hire a consulting firm out of Texas that is the same firm being used in counties across the nation, like Kootenai County, ID, to bring in their draconian zoning plans.
What went wrong with La Plata County’s land-use plan?
Zoning and planning are the anti-thesis of Property Rights!